educational master in music and performing arts
graduating option music and performing arts
study path music
study path drama
initial 2 years
shortened 1 year
read more about the programme
Two routes
The academically focused educational master's in music and performing arts is organised in two ways at KASK & Conservatorium. Those who already have a bachelor's degree in the field of study of music or performing arts can take an initial master's programme of 120 credits. Those who already have a master's degree in the field of study of music or performing arts can follow the shortened 60-credit course.
Own emphases
As an artist and a future teacher of the arts, you will be offered a personal pathway. This requires a special pedagogy in which support, direction and individual guidance go hand in hand with granting freedom and autonomy. Different perspectives provide a broad framework from which you can shape your own (arts) educational training. These own emphases are necessary to continue growing and excelling after your studies.
Practice is key
The focus here is on practice. You investigate autonomously how the artistic and educational components relate to each other. The educational practice consists, on the one hand, of supervised practical exercises in the work field or with the work field practice as a starting point and, on the other hand, of internships. You do internships in part-time art education, secondary education and adult education. The programme also introduces you to professional opportunities outside compulsory and part-time art education. The emphasis on the socio-artistic and arts education field offers you a wide range of experiences in the field, this is concretised in separate internship projects. In this way, the programme meets the specific demand for pedagogically skilled artists working in various sections of society, such as educational services of museums, cultural centres or welfare services.
Powerful artistic learning environments
The educational master's programme aims to be an open place where interdisciplinary, cross-curricular and multidisciplinary working and learning are cornerstones. Through various didactic working methods that also encourage collaboration and informal learning, you will be prepared as a 21st-century art teacher to create powerful artistic learning environments. By analogy with educational and artistic practice, we also promote reciprocity and collaboration with other students within and across disciplines. Through substantive interaction and based on a shared teaching culture, students from all our art and design programmes can enrich themselves from each other's presence.
Authentic arts education
In the educational master's programme, conscious pedagogical action, self-reflection and an inquisitive attitude come to the fore with the aim of also continuously optimising one's own teaching practice and artistic output. As an art teacher, you will also learn to evaluate qualitatively and monitor artistic output, as this too reinforces individual learning processes.
Achieving quality in art education presupposes room for great individuality. The educational master's programme focuses on authentic art education, meaning that education only becomes meaningful if it connects to the student's world and to current professional art practice; teaching is more than merely complementary to artistic practice. From expression, experimentation and enthusiasm for your own art discipline, you will learn to pass on your love for the profession.
study programme shortened study path
study programme drama
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study programme jazz & pop
study programme music production
study programme composition
study programme music theory and notation
study programme instrumental making
register for shortened study path educational master
register for initial study path educational master
The application process for the educational master's differs depending on your previous degree and whether you choose an initial or shortened study path.
- Robin Boel, Graduation 2022, photo: Jordi Coppers
- photo: Jordi Coppers
- photo: Jordi Coppers