
Dates for the 2025 admission tests will be announced here in early December 2024.
From then on, you can also register (see step 2).

Have a look at the info below to get an idea of what is expected of you for the test.
Please note that this information is subject to change.

Also take a look at step 1, the admission requirements.
Some documents take quite some time to complete,
and it is best to start early to ensure a smooth registration.

Make sure you are well prepared, punctually present at the start time and available during the entire duration of the test.

Start of the session

9:00 on the first day of the session.

Building Kunsttoren
Offerlaan 5, 9000 Ghent

You will receive detailed planning and proceedings on the first day of the session.

preparatory dossier

Each candidate puts together a preparatory file consisting of several parts (personal information, written motivation, portfolio and image file). This preparatory file is brought to the motivation interview.

The candidate takes their personal work from the file back home after the test. Candidates who have little or no artistic work can also participate in the test.

personal details

  • Recent passport photograph
  • A curriculum vitae listing past studies, artistic and other activities,...

written motivation

A written motivation regarding the choice of study and school (maximum 1 A4 sheet)


The candidate puts together a folder of their own work, which allows the selection committee to get the broadest possible, yet representative, picture of your creative-imagery abilities: autonomous artistic work, school assignments or work made for third parties (drawings, photographs, sketches, painted studies, photographs of sculptures or spatial work, graphic work, texts, poems, music, computer prints, stage acts, performances or other creations,...).

visual file

The candidate compiles an image file of inspirational work by others. This means making a selection of reproductions of works of art, advertisements, printed matter; exhibition catalogues; monographs of artists, writers, designers, illustrators, filmmakers, musicians... ; magazines, literature, publications, campaigns,.... This can find its form in a file on A4, but equally it can be a collection of posters, books, flyers, DVDs,... that one brings along.

written test

The candidate must provide a written answer to a general question on a current social, cultural and/or artistic issue. The aim is to allow the examination committee to get an idea of the candidate's theoretical prior education, gauge language skills and the ability to formulate an opinion, develop a line of reasoning and edit a short written text.

motivation interview

During an individual interview, which will take place on campus, the candidate's motivation towards art education in general and the specific field of study in particular will be examined. The preparatory file and the practical test form the basis for this questioning. It is important that the candidate can explain the elements in the dossier and clarify the study choice and expectations.

Interests, general and cultural knowledge, thinking skills, creative attitudes and insight into image-making are probed. Important qualities here are: critical sense, involvement, drive, love of art and design, perseverance, self-discipline and sense of humour, ability to put things into perspective, etc.

The candidate should be able to critically explain their image file during the individual interview.

practical test

During the first day, the candidate must complete two practical tests. These tests test the candidate's creative and visual skills, which relate to the ability to create images based on observation; spatial insight, rendering of proportions, perspective, sense of composition, etc.; developing images of texts, being able to analyse and interpret literary texts, etc.; aspects of design.

The practical tests will be announced on the first day of the admission test session. Bring paint and drawing material.

At the end of day 1, this test will be submitted. The result will be discussed during the motivational interview.

Proclamation and feedback

Please note that locations and times are subject to change. Changes will be communicated on the spot.

On the last day of the session, there will be deliberations and proclamations including a feedback moment. You will receive the result via email. Those candidates who are not accepted will be given the opportunity for a telephone debriefing.