16.09.23 – 19.11.23, Free Art Gallery
Pablo Helguerra — finissage
Within the framework of Pablo Helguera's essay Give It Away, exhibition attendees have the opportunity to submit their applications to win their favorite collage by Pablo Helguera.
On Sunday, November 19th, at 16:00., Pablo Helguera will announce the artwork winners via a Zoom call directly from New York. You are welcome to join us for the finissage of Beautiful Eccentrics: Central Casting and perhaps become one of the new rightful owners of one of Pablo Helguera's artworks
"In 2008, just around the beginning of the Great Recession, I started the Free Art Gallery—a project reflecting on the personal value of artworks. We are recreating a version of this project for this exhibition.
Each artwork in this wall will be given for free to whoever makes the best case, in writing, about why they should be the rightful owner of the work. The criteria for a good proposal include: 1. Providing a compelling interpretation of the work; 2. Offer compelling reasons as to why you, in particular, would be an ideal owner of the piece.
Note: the works in this series belong toThe Arlington Heights Suite, a series of collages started in 2007 that I make every night in the form of a diary, using print images and text from used textbooks, old magazines, and a wide range of other discarded publications.
I await your proposal!"
Pablo Helguera