13.02.25, 20:30, Meeuwen Sterven in de Haven (1955)
On the occasion of the book launch of Belgian Cinema in 24 Frames, the first edition by flaneur publishers, we are screening the iconic and illustrious film classic Meeuwen Sterven in de Haven. This pessimistic metropolitan scream, musically supported by Jack Sels and Max Damasse's score, draws in strongly expressionistically lit black-and-white images the wandering of a tormented man (Julien Schoenaerts) in the cosmopolitan port city of Antwerp. Only in the presence of an orphan and two disillusioned women can he count on understanding.
Indebted to the poetic realism of pre-war French cinema, this interplay of brooding drama and thriller exudes an expressive power of its own. The intelligent use of symbols is reflected in the images of desolate industrial sites, abandoned docks, dingy poor neighbourhoods and impersonal, large, modern buildings. At the time nominated for a Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival, Meeuwen Sterven was indicative of a national cinema that confidently found its voice.
This film will be introduced by the editors of Belgian cinema in 24 frames: Johannes De Breuker, Sarah Schrauwen and Mathieu Vancamp. Books will be on sale after the screening.
i.c.w. flaneur publishers
Godshuizenlaan 4
9000 Gent