Enid Stassyns student graphic design DANGER! QUICK SAND SWAMP article Lees, kijk, luister education Louise Dhondt student textile design Collect to connect Behold the motley collection of objects by textile student Louise Dhondt. article Lees, kijk, luister education Tibau Beirnaert student drama F A G G O T S presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Nele Demeulemeester student textile design Schering en Inslag article Lees, kijk, luister education Nadia Smialowska student fashion Transience in bloom article Lees, kijk, luister education Mastersounds 2023 Graduation Mastersounds: the graduation festival of jazz, pop and music production at De Minard and De Centrale. presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Rembert De Prez student photography Experimental Garden article Lees, kijk, luister education Mastersounds: Elias D’hooge Trio Master student jazz piano Elias D'hooge is on fire. article Lees, kijk, luister education Kyoko Van Asselt student grafiek 12 monotypes presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Daniël Ernst Binnekamp student fine arts lichaamsmaker / bodybuilder article Lees, kijk, luister education Mahsan Farzanegan student animation film An Imaginary Line article Lees, kijk, luister education Aaron Denolf student film Silvester (trailer) video Lees, kijk, luister education Masterworks Vol. 12 publication Lees, kijk, luister education Gaia Cara student autonomous design HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT article Lees, kijk, luister education Katerina Indesteege student film Perla Verde, un fósil de amor article Lees, kijk, luister education Bordeaux Studiereis landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur news Lees, kijk, luister education Nomadic Film School article Lees, kijk, luister education My heritage might one day be yours article Lees, kijk, luister education Ruhr & Berlijn-Potsdam Study trip landscape and garden architecture news Lees, kijk, luister education KASKLezing, 20.04.2023, The Black Archives Opname van de lezing van Mitchell Esajas van The Black Archives. video Lees, kijk, luister artistic activities Karen Van Hassel student vrije kunsten SPITS No.07 article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities Mirl van Sorge student grafiek Gedichten presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Brief but nevertheless overlong history of the Kitty Kitsch Kingdom article Lees, kijk, luister education Poetic Echolocation Workshop in situ composing with David Helbich. article Lees, kijk, luister education Voorjaarscreaties in MIRY: Arian Sadrayi, Daan Vanreybrouck & Milo Paulus article Lees, kijk, luister artistic activities Voor & Door Graphic design students and teachers should be pleased. The first edition of their new lecture series Voor & Door is a success. article Lees, kijk, luister education KASKlezing, 09.03.23, Linda van Deursen recording of the lecture video Lees, kijk, luister artistic activities Samuel Comerford researcher Meeting the new researcher It took a couple of emails back and forth to fix a time and place, but I was finally about to have a chat with our new researcher Samuel Comerford. article Lees, kijk, luister research Operaproject Dido and Aeneas article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities Ann Saelens, Tanja Oostvogels researchers To Seduce to the middle on theatre education article Lees, kijk, luister research KASK & Conservatorium kleurt Stubru’s Nieuwe Lichting Lees, kijk, luister education Nomadic School of Arts: reisverslag van eeuwig halverwege article Lees, kijk, luister education Montavoies Study trip landscape and garden architecture news Lees, kijk, luister education Symphony orchestra plays Beethoven 3 article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities Anna Czapski, Diederik Peeters, et al. onderzoekers Grimoire; Futurology of Cooperation publication Lees, kijk, luister research The Future is Now Blended Intensive Programme, 2021-2022 article Lees, kijk, luister education