  • 24.04.2024, deadline submission of scores, May session
  • 08.05, 10.05 & 11.05.24, tests session May
  • 19.06.24, deadline submission scores, session July
  • 01.07 — 05.07.24, tests session July
  • 14.08.24, deadline submission of scores, session August
  • 26.08 — 30.08.24, tests session August

Make sure you are well prepared, punctually present at the starting hour and available during the entire duration of the trial.

start test

9:00 op de eerste dag van de sessie

9:00 on the first day of the session.

Campus Grote Sikkel
Hoogpoort 64, 9000 Ghent

Details will be sent to you a week before the test.


The candidate will submit a minimum of 3 compositions (on score and/or recording in MP3 format) using the entry form. Fill in the necessary questions. Additional information (such as reviews, video,...) can also be shared via the form.

Based on the portfolio, a task is communicated to the candidates just under a week before the entrance exam. This assignment consists of two parts, a short analysis of a 20th- or 21st-century composition, and a short, new piece of music to be composed.

NOTE: The candidate will record sound and image in which the candidate is recognisable and appears as completely as possible (hands!) visible and which demonstrates an elementary basic technique on keyboard/piano. This may possibly be supplemented by a recording of one's own instrument (if other than keyboard/piano) or musical expression tool (e.g. laptop).

the test

The test consists of four parts:

  • Solfeggio, ear training and general music theory
  • Written test
  • Practical test
  • Motivation interview

Solfeggio, ear training and general music theory

This test is compulsory for everyone.

Session May and July: Those who fail this subtest, but have passed the other subtests, will be given the chance to take this test again. If you pass this second attempt, you will be admitted to the study.

Session August: Those who do not pass this partial test cannot retake it.

written test

The candidate must provide a written answer to a general question on a current social, cultural and/or artistic issue. The aim is to allow the examination board to get an idea of the candidate's theoretical prior education, gauge the ability to formulate an opinion, develop a line of reasoning and edit a short written text. This test is a digital writing assignment, specified and due on the dates provided.

practical test

This practical test consists of several parts:

  • Test basic technique on keyboard/piano. Prepare a piece that demonstrates your level on piano.
  • Possibly: test own instrument (if other than piano/keyboard) or musical expression tool (e.g. laptop).
  • Evaluation of the composition portfolio (forwarded scores, recordings, etc.).
  • Questioning of the assignment imposed after digital submission of the portfolio.

motivation interview

During an individual interview, the candidate's motivation towards an art course in general and the specific field of study in particular will be examined. The experiences during the practical test as well as the composition of the candidate's portfolio can be a guide here. It is important that the candidate can explain own choices and clarify the study choice and expectations.

Interests, general and cultural knowledge, ability to think, creative attitude, insights and communication skills are assessed. Important qualities here may include critical sense, commitment, drive, love of art and music, perseverance, self-discipline, sense of humour,...

proclamation and feedback

Please note that locations and times are subject to change. Changes will be announced on the spot.

On the last day of the session (or Monday evening after session 1), there will be deliberations and proclamation including a post-session discussion. During the proclamation, candidates will learn whether they are accepted or not. Immediately after the proclamation there is an opportunity for a debriefing, at which third parties may also be present. An e-mail with the results will be sent out after each proclamation.