about the programme
Having successfully completed a master's degree in music but still not satisfied? The postgraduate in musical performance practice certainly holds this urge for excellence in high regard.

musical performance practice

about the programme
study path
postgraduate musical performance practice
1 year
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What is musical performance practice?

You will immerse yourself in a defined artistic research project as a performing musician in an individual or ensemble setting for one year. You do this under the guidance of one or more conservatorium teachers specialising in performance practice, musicology and/or research in the arts.

Emphasis on performance techniques

Based on a concrete research project, during the programme you focus on the interpretation and performance practice of early or new music. You will specialise in developing and testing new performance methods based on up-to-date scientific and artistic research. You will also gain active experience in the artistic field. To this end, KASK & Conservatorium brings you into contact with its extensive network of professional partners, where you do your internship. Finally, you will place your own research in a broader perspective by participating in targeted research seminars.

An education for you?

Are you already professionally active? Don't worry: the lean but intensive path of our postgraduates can be elegantly combined with your schedule as a professional musician.

You can start the programme if you hold a master's degree in music and if you have passed the orientation test. This test consists of two parts: a short audition (recital), in which a committee of experts assesses your vocal or instrumental skills; a motivation interview, in which you explain your artistic project proposal.


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study programme

32 credits
Course unit
Performance Practice
Arts in Practice
Research Seminar


If you want to apply for a postgraduate programme, you will first take part in an orientation test.

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9, Biezekapelstraat
9000 Ghent


  1. Graduation 2022, photo: Benina Hu
  2. video: Manon De Sutter & Charles Dhondt
  3. Araceli Castro Garcia, Graduation 2022, photo: Benina Hu