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student photography Experimental Garden
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Mastersounds: Elias D’hooge Trio
Master student jazz piano Elias D'hooge is on fire.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent grafiek 12 monotypes
presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent fine arts lichaamsmaker / bodybuilder
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent animation film An Imaginary Line
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent film Silvester (trailer)
videoLees, kijk, luistereducation
Masterworks Vol. 12
publicationLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent autonomous design HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent film Perla Verde, un fósil de amor
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Studiereis landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur
newsLees, kijk, luistereducation
Nomadic Film School
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
My heritage might one day be yours
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Ruhr & Berlijn-Potsdam
Study trip landscape and garden architecture
newsLees, kijk, luistereducation
KASKLezing, 20.04.2023, The Black Archives
Opname van de lezing van Mitchell Esajas van The Black Archives.
videoLees, kijk, luisterartistic activitiesstudent vrije kunsten SPITS No.07
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activitiesstudent grafiek Gedichten
presentationLees, kijk, luistereducation
Brief but nevertheless overlong history of the Kitty Kitsch Kingdom
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Poetic Echolocation
Workshop in situ composing with David Helbich.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Voorjaarscreaties in MIRY: Arian Sadrayi, Daan Vanreybrouck & Milo Paulus
articleLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities
Voor & Door
Graphic design students and teachers should be pleased. The first edition of their new lecture series Voor & Door is a success.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
KASKlezing, 09.03.23, Linda van Deursen
recording of the lecture
videoLees, kijk, luisterartistic activitiesresearcher Meeting the new researcher
It took a couple of emails back and forth to fix a time and place, but I was finally about to have a chat with our new researcher Samuel Comerford.
articleLees, kijk, luisterresearch
Operaproject Dido and Aeneas
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activitiesresearchers To Seduce to the middle
on theatre education
articleLees, kijk, luisterresearch
KASK & Conservatorium kleurt Stubru’s Nieuwe Lichting
Lees, kijk, luistereducation
Nomadic School of Arts: reisverslag van eeuwig halverwege
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Study trip landscape and garden architecture
newsLees, kijk, luistereducation
Symphony orchestra plays Beethoven 3
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activitiesonderzoekers Grimoire; Futurology of Cooperation
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearch
The Future is Now
Blended Intensive Programme, 2021-2022
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Into Thin Air met mint park
Monday 17 to Sunday 23 October at Musica & Dommelhof in Pelt.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent interior design Parasitic Blue
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Master class Arditti Quartet for composition students
On 2 October 2022, the ensemble played to a full MIRY Concert Hall. The next day, they gave a master class to composition students.
presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent composition The opera of Dorian Gray
Trumpeting! Student Benjamin Windelinckx was found to be a master of composing music. At his graduation concert, he performed the majority of the scenes of his first chamber opera. A modest tour de force nonetheless.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation Zorgangst
publicationLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities Kunst op voorschrift
publicationLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities