
06.05.22 – 08.05.22, (...) and you want me to consider them in that light, dramaproject van Melody Van Gompel

Dramaproject van Melody Van Gompel

there’s no space as our space that has no space of one’s own

and it tried with time but it’s frozen in history

and if ice could melt and rise up

and your window could be my mirror and your mirror could be my window

and we could look together and maybe see fields of violets and lavender sun

and we could touch one another and love each other

a reverse in violet to remake the sound of undernotes and undertones and resonate it through space

and even through white papers of violated notes from beings in time or even embodied archives with rain fingers of lies to light up that story on the count of a natural thing, as if it’s a natural thing, human thing, think, this story, his story, end


Creatie en spel: Melody Van Gompel en Marie De Buck

Tekst: A Room Of One’s Own van Virginia Woolf, The Tyranny of Abstraction van Peter Critchley, Caliban And The Witch van Silvia Federeci, Constructions of Gender in Vietnam: In Pursuit of the 'Three Criteria' van Sidney Ruth Schuler, Hoang tu Anh, Vu Song Ha, Tran Hung Minh, Bui Thi Thanh Mai and Pham vu Thien, ‘The Mighty Pillar of the Family’: Young People’s Vocabularies on Household Gender Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific Region van Chilla Bulbeck, The Color Purple van Alice Walker, Les Fleurs du Mal van Baudelaire, Melody en Marie

Techniek: Astrid Vansteenkiste

Mentoren: Simon De Winne, Mieja Hollevoet, Bauke Lievens en Carolina Maciel de França

Met dank aan: Emma Van Ammel, Sophie-Anna Veelenturf, Ellen De Mul , Nina-Joy Thielemans, Andrea Jáñez, Joel García, Guillaume Thomas, Bardia Mohammed, Jara Vlaeminckx, Performing Arts Forum (PAF) en de kunstacademie van Zaventem

Illustratie affiche: Melody Van Gompel en Astrid Vansteenkiste

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