foto, SDB

19.06.24 – 20.06.24, Life in Plastic, masterproef van Emma Verstraete — dramaproject van Maryam Sserwamukoko

Tell me what you think about me?

Have you been in a lot of situationships?

What red flags do you look out for when dating someone?

Do you think that only if we eat enough of one thing, you will become it?

Which kind of chips do you prefer?

And which kind of cookies?

And do you match it with the kind of content that you’re binge-watching?

What about online shopping, does it make life easier?

Do you ever feel like suffocating in a plastic bag?

Do you ever feel like a piece of plastic?

Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?

I wonder where you are right now, probably all around and I don’t even notice you. Sometimes your touch can feel pretty soothing, or your sound. It’s hard to resist. I think you can make me sick. Maybe you already did. I do feel a certain connection to you but it feels like I’m sort of responsible for you being here, like I forced you to be with me and that just doesn’t feel very healthy for either of us. We’re better off without each other, but I don’t know how to leave you.. I cannot imagine my life without you anymore I guess. Maybe we are degenerating together. Maybe we will wander the earth lightly, moving with winds, waves, animals. We will infest each other's intestines, resisting slightly. But eventually we will give in, adapt, be each other in unison. Maybe we’re already there. Then where does this longing come from?

Life in Plastic is een stuk over mensen op zoek naar diepgang en connectie in een wereld die steeds meer over oppervlakte lijkt te gaan. Hoe diep moet je graven bij het zoeken naar oprechtheid in plastic landscapes?


  • van: Emma Verstraete & Maryam Sserwamukoko
  • met: Maryam Sserwamukoko, Tijmen Van Damme, Ella Boomsma (19 juni) & Rinus Martha Chaerle (20 juni)
  • muziek/geluid: Kim Eldarova
  • licht: Marthe Leon Thys
  • kostuum: Charlotte Callens
  • praktijkmentor: Kristof van Baarle
  • outside eye: Lieselot Siddiki
  • productie: Titus Smessaert
  • beeld: Arthur Loontjens & Maria de Cort - MUA Bavo Buys & Malique Fye
  • bedankt: Heike Langsdorf, Wannes Gyselinck, Bauke Lievens, Simon De Winne, Carolina Maciel de França, Mieja Hollevoet, Frederik Le Roy, Bardia Mohammad, Valerie Desmet, Geeraard Respeel, Luanda Casella, Ahilan Ratnamohan, Hooman Jeddy, Ipman van biowinkel PANDA, Bio-Lab KASK & Conservatorium
gratis, vrije bijdrage aan de avondkassa
Campo Victoria
Fratersplein 7,
9000 Gent
19.06.2024, 20:30
20.06.2024, 18:00