21.03.24, 20:00, Symfonieorkest & Bigband KASK & Conservatorium
Bert Joris’ ‘Dangerous Liaison’ or orchestra and big band was commissioned by deFilharmonie (the Royal Flemish Philharmonic) and the Brussels Jazz Orchestra. The title already says a lot about the ‘dangers’ identified by Joris. What about fixed note values versus solo improvisations? And what other pitfalls lurk in a work, where certain stylistic principles are sure to be thrown overboard? In ‘Dangerous Liaison’ Joris strongly emphasises the contrasts between both ensembles: ‘The colour palette offered by this combination is practically inexhaustible. Therefore I thought the most suitable starting point would be a long melody that returns in different settings.’ The programme is complemented with other contributions from Joris’ rich oeuvre.
and staff KASK & Conservatorium
9000 Gent