Ann Saelens, Tanja Oostvogels researchers To Seduce to the middle on theatre education article Lees, kijk, luister research KASK & Conservatorium kleurt Stubru’s Nieuwe Lichting Lees, kijk, luister education Nomadic School of Arts: reisverslag van eeuwig halverwege article Lees, kijk, luister education Montavoies Study trip landscape and garden architecture news Lees, kijk, luister education Symphony orchestra plays Beethoven 3 article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities Anna Czapski, Diederik Peeters, et al. onderzoekers Grimoire; Futurology of Cooperation publication Lees, kijk, luister research The Future is Now Blended Intensive Programme, 2021-2022 article Lees, kijk, luister education Into Thin Air met mint park Monday 17 to Sunday 23 October at Musica & Dommelhof in Pelt. article Lees, kijk, luister education Lieze Vanlerberghe student interior design Parasitic Blue article Lees, kijk, luister education Master class Arditti Quartet for composition students On 2 October 2022, the ensemble played to a full MIRY Concert Hall. The next day, they gave a master class to composition students. presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Benjamin Windelinckx student composition The opera of Dorian Gray Trumpeting! Student Benjamin Windelinckx was found to be a master of composing music. At his graduation concert, he performed the majority of the scenes of his first chamber opera. A modest tour de force nonetheless. article Lees, kijk, luister education Jezaja Uten student animation film Burnt Cookies video Lees, kijk, luister education Mira Halsberghe student animation film Bits and Pieces video Lees, kijk, luister education Dominique De Groen student fine arts Naphtha Tears Naphtha Tears is an experimental short film. presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Jonas Baeke & Jef Hellemans students drama Pinokkio presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Sophia Bauer en Marieke Schraepen studenten drama Guilty of Love presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Het einde van het kunstonderwijs article Lees, kijk, luister education MAP#127: Emma Onghena & Kyara Wellens, Blikveld article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities MAP#128: Anna Schlooz & Paula Vicente, Intra-action article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities MAP#130: Teodora Oita & Kei Sendak, I cannot translate, I cannot send either article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities MAP#134: George Chinnery & Reza Yavari article Lees, kijk, luister education artistic activities Arnout De Cleene & Michiel De Cleene reseachers is an online platform, collecting, describing, presenting and generating documents of all sorts. It documents documents. article Lees, kijk, luister research An van. Dienderen & Rosine Mfetgo Mbakam researchers Prism A conversation with the filmmakers. article Lees, kijk, luister research Sofie Verclyte On Migrating Heritage article Lees, kijk, luister research Dwars article Lees, kijk, luister education Suor Angelica The singing class breathes a sigh of relief. At last they get to venture into an opera with all the trimmings. The highly appreciated productions of Stravinsky's Le Rossignol and Mavra are already two years behind us, so the students are ready to dive into equally solid repertoire: Suor Angelica by Giocomo Puccini. article Lees, kijk, luister education Heleen Sintobin & María Boto Ordóñez researcher Ecology of Colour article Lees, kijk, luister research Het Brieven­project article Lees, kijk, luister research artistic activities Masterworks Vol. 11 publication Lees, kijk, luister education Manon Lambeens student graphic design Do you speak tunnel language? Graphic designer Manon Lambeens graduated from KASK & Conservatorium last year with her project Het Sociale Spel (the social game). article Lees, kijk, luister education Landscape development students take part in LE:NOTRE Student Competition news Lees, kijk, luister education Rosine Mbakam, Eléonore Yameogo, An van. Dienderen onderzoekers Prism video Lees, kijk, luister research Masterclasses and concert by MonoNeon and band Throwback to the mind-blowing concert and masterclass by MonoNeon at our Club Telex. presentation Lees, kijk, luister education Barbara Debeuckelaere student photography Dallas in Romania Barbara Debeuckelaere is at home in many fields. In a previous life, she studied economics and international law and worked as a journalist for public broadcasting. A few years ago, she exchanged camera and pen for the camera. article Lees, kijk, luister education Jules Mathôt student film Behind the scenes of short film ‘Night by Night’ Jules Mathôt is in his final master year of film. That means working hard on his audiovisual calling card with which to go out into the world as a director. article Lees, kijk, luister education Floor Vanden Berghe student fine arts “Can we play language games with computers?” From his interests in game theory, epistemology and artificial intelligence, among others, he developed a practice in which he subversively pits knowledge and algorithms against each other. article Lees, kijk, luister education