
06.03.24, 20:30, Anhell69 (2022)

Step on the gas and let go of your hands, Kinoautomat takes you on a dead-man's ride through the Colombian night.

Anhell69 is a cinematic funeral procession that races past the lives and sufferings of disenfranchised youth in metropolitan Medellín. Past, present and future become crossroads in this haunting fever dream that outlines the demise of a generation. Director Theo Montoya attempted to make a gay vampire horror several years prior to the film, but had to abandon filming when his lead actor, only 21-year-old Camilo Najar, died of an overdose. Faced with this loss, as well as many friends who died of excessive drug use, Montoya decided to transform this tragedy into an apocalyptic poem about the day-to-day violence that plagues the underground queer scene.

Our guest speaker on duty puts you in the passenger seat for an introduction to creative blending and cinephilic mutation. Describing the director as a DJ remixing existing influences into new forms, Montoya brings a range of cinematic inspirations into dialogue with each other. This cross-pollination appropriates film history into a mixing board that serves contemporary political activism.

This film is introduced by artistic-activist force of nature Monica Fierlafijn.

Theo Montoya, 2022, Colombia, Romania, France & Germany, 75'
i.c.w. Kinoautomat
Campus Bijloke
Godshuizenlaan 4
9000 Gent