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Within KASK & Conservatorium, the fine arts traditionally occupy a central place. In the master's programme, students are given even more space than before to further develop their individual artistic practice.

fine arts

visual arts
1 year

fine artsprogramme

In the sculpture studio, you will explore a personal approach to contemporary sculpture. As an undergraduate, you will be taught some basic techniques in class. You choose this pathway from 1st bachelor. In the master of liberal arts, the distinction between disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

visual arts
3 years

sculpturefine artsprogramme

The installation studio in the bachelor of fine arts reaches out to different media. A critical discourse on the (moving) image, the performative, object and space form the starting point in the design of the installation. If possible, your work of art becomes 'site-specific'; the place or manner in which you display the work contributes to its meaning. You choose this route from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

installationfine artsprogramme

In media art, we look for openings or contradictions between new and old media, virtual and physical, concept and matter, etc. We believe that technology can have an activating effect because analogue, mechanical or digital tools provide new artistic playing spaces. You choose this study path from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:
media art

visual arts
3 years

media artfine artsprogramme

Painting has a great tradition, but also a current urgency within the field of contemporary, visual arts. In the bachelor's programme, we pay a lot of attention to the technology of painting, but also to the development of your artistic personality and visual language. You choose this study path from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fien arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

visual arts
3 years

paintingfine artsprogramme

We regard drawing as an autonomous form of expression. Visual research and experimentation are central. You choose this study path from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines disappears.

fine arts:

visual arts
bachelor + master
3+1 years

drawingfine artsprogramme

Performance gives new ways of looking at reality, at patterns that are obvious or hidden. A performative gesture, a gesture or a word can set something in motion. In this bachelor's programme, you investigate your relationship with your body, with others, materials, spaces, etc. You choose this programme from the 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

visual arts
3 years

performancefine artsprogramme

After an exploratory first bachelor year of graphic design, in second and third bachelor you can choose the printmaking study path. Here you will approach graphic practices from the point of view of the visual arts. Three focuses allow you to explore the specific speaking of art and turn it into an individual artistic practice: what printing and reproduction techniques can mean for making art; the relationship of art to mass-media visual culture; publishing as an artistic strategy in making art and artists' books. In the master of graphic design, the distinction between the tracks falls away.

graphic design:

visual arts
bachelor + master
3+1 years

printmakinggraphic designprogramme

After an exploratory first bachelor's year of graphic design, you can opt for the illustration track in the second and third bachelor. You take a broad view of graphic visual narrativity and focus on developing techniques, research and working methods within the broad cluster of word, image and story. In the master of graphic design, the distinction between the pathways falls away.

graphic design:

visual arts
3+1 years

illustrationgraphic designprogramme

Curatorial Studies is the only postgraduate degree for curators in Belgium. A unique partnership between KASK & Conservatorium, Ghent University and S.M.A.K. Ghent.

curatorial studies

1 year

curatorial studiesprogramme

You are brimming with dynamism and enthusiasm to take interested parties into a world of artistic development and creation? You want to be an important link in the further development of art education and the performing arts landscape in Flanders? Then the educational master's is definitely for you!

educational master in audiovisual and visual arts

initial 1 year
shortened 2 year

educational master in audiovisual and visual artsprogramme

KASK & Conservatorium offers English-language master programmes in the visual arts, audiovisual arts, drama and music.

english master

1 or 2 years

english masterprogramme