bekijk als grid

This programme will train you to become a designer of green spaces: of gardens, parks or squares, of recreational areas, play forests or rural stream valleys, but also of green links on industrial estates, of urban green climates and so on. Designing is a creative, investigative and solution-oriented process in which you look for a good combination of aesthetics and functionality, with sustainability as a starting point. As a designer, you give content – identity, inspiration, meaning – to the environment, which rises above the strictly material.

landscape and garden architecture

professional bachelor
3 years

landscape and garden architectureprogramme

As an interior designer, the whole world is your playground. The built environment in all its aspects, furniture and design objects, are just some of the things an interior designer can use to leave his mark on people's living environment. In addition to the programme in contact education, there is the possibility of following the bachelor's programme in distance learning.

interior design

professional bachelor
3 years

interior designprogramme

As an interior designer, the whole world is your playground. The built environment in all its aspects, furniture and design objects, are just some of the things an interior designer can use to leave his mark on people's living environment.

interior design in distance education

professional bachelor
4 years

interior design in distance educationprogramme

In a world that is changing at lightning speed, the future cannot be predicted. We anticipate things that are in full development. In the professional bachelor digital design & development, or Devine for short, we train students to find their way in the digital world of tomorrow. As a Deviner, you will use design, development and UX research skills to shape online experiences today and in the future. You will become a member of the creative sector: a global, digital, innovative and guiding subculture. The programme also offers an English-language track.

digital design & development (devine)

digital design and development
3 years

digital design & development (devine)programme

As an animation student, you will develop into an idiosyncratic, artistic creator within the stimulating framework of the KASK & Conservatorium campus. We offer a solid technical and theoretical footing for the personal expression you develop in the practical workshops. Teachers support your quest for the world you want to create. Drawing and 2D animation are the start, your curiosity and tenacity the driving force for your own path and vision within your medium.

animation film

audiovisual arts
bachelor + master
3+1 years

animation filmprogramme

Those who learn to make films with us do so in the context of an art school. In our filmmaking course, you immerse yourself in all aspects of creating a film. The teachers guide you intensively and personally in your development into a filmmaker with a supported vision. The programme creates room for experimenting and pushing the boundaries of thought and action. To this end, a lot of films are made. Each assignment results in a personal piece of work that takes shape thanks to constant feedback from lecturers and fellow students.


audiovisual arts
bachelor + master
3+1 years


The drama programme teaches you to develop an artistic practice driven by curiosity and a sustainable research attitude. The programme trains you to relate practically and discursively to current developments in the performing arts but also to experiment and look for new artistic contents and (mixed) forms. The teachers encourage you to collaborate with fellow students and cross-pollinate with other disciplines within KASK & Conservatorium. The programme thus also reaps the benefits of being embedded in a broad multidisciplinary art school.


bachelor + master
3+1 years


It seems paradoxical, but classical music is changing at lightning speed. From historical performance practices to experimental contemporary music performance, audiences expect a unique experience. 'Tradition is about passing on the fire, not worshipping the ashes', Gustav Mahler let slip, and it is exactly this spirit that characterises our classical music education. In the programme, you therefore come into contact with new concert forms, diverse specialisations, interdisciplinary collaborations and a range of professional opportunities.

classical music

performing music
3+2 years

classical musicprogramme

At KASK & Conservatorium you can study jazz at master's level, but also – and this is unique in Flanders – pop music. Here we train musicians who are strong on their instrument, but also have a distinct artistic vision and individuality. In our building Paddenhoek – with numerous band rooms, recording facilities and our own concert venue Club Telex – we offer you an inspiring environment for this.

jazz & pop

performing music
3+2 years

jazz & popprogramme

For many years, music production has been a benchmark for anyone working creatively with music and sound. Whether as a songwriter and performer, as a producer, as a composer or behind the scenes, in recording studios or audiovisual productions: our alumni are everywhere.

music production

composing music
3+2 years

music productionprogramme

Music is not created overnight. The composer invents and plays music on existing or dreamed-of instruments, improvises, shares, writes down after long consideration or records music on an electronic sound carrier. This field of tension is incessantly evolving to this day.


composing music
3+2 years


This course is the first in Flanders to focus on composing music for various audiovisual productions, ranging from fiction film to games. Develop your personal artistic practice and technical knowledge in a curriculum tailored to meet the demands of the field.

composition for media, video and games

composing music
3+2 years

composition for media, video and gamesprogramme

The International Master in Composition for Screen (InMICS) is a programme for international students who want to work as composers for audiovisual media. InMICS was founded by European and Canadian partners, four conservatoires on the one hand, and four established organisations from the professional field on the other: KASK & Conservatorium, CNSMD de Lyon, Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini Bologna, Faculté de Musique Université de Montréal, Festival International du Film d'Aubagne, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, Film Fest Gent, Permission Inc. Montréal.

composition for screen (InMICS)

international master
2 years

composition for screen (InMICS)programme

Musical instrument making focuses on the history and structure of musical instruments, for the purpose of building, reconstructing and preserving these fascinating objects. It concentrates mainly on the study and (re)construction of historical instruments, investigating the acoustic possibilities of these 'sound instruments'. Moreover, it does so in the interest of the performance practice of old, but equally of new music.

musical instrument making

3+2 years

musical instrument makingprogramme

From concert hall to lift, from department store to restaurant, from symphony to ringtone, live or on carrier, via internet, radio or in the cloud, ... More than ever, music in all its forms is ubiquitous. Choosing a master's in music theory and writing is choosing to pass on a long tradition of theoretical reflection on the phenomenon of music in an increasingly fast-moving world.

music theory and notation

master music
graduating option music theory and notation
2 years

music theory and notationprogramme

Within KASK & Conservatorium, the fine arts traditionally occupy a central place. In the master's programme, students are given even more space than before to further develop their individual artistic practice.

fine arts

visual arts
1 year

fine artsprogramme

In the sculpture studio, you will explore a personal approach to contemporary sculpture. As an undergraduate, you will be taught some basic techniques in class. You choose this pathway from 1st bachelor. In the master of liberal arts, the distinction between disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

visual arts
3 years

sculpturefine artsprogramme

The installation studio in the bachelor of fine arts reaches out to different media. A critical discourse on the (moving) image, the performative, object and space form the starting point in the design of the installation. If possible, your work of art becomes 'site-specific'; the place or manner in which you display the work contributes to its meaning. You choose this route from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

installationfine artsprogramme

In media art, we look for openings or contradictions between new and old media, virtual and physical, concept and matter, etc. We believe that technology can have an activating effect because analogue, mechanical or digital tools provide new artistic playing spaces. You choose this study path from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:
media art

visual arts
3 years

media artfine artsprogramme

Painting has a great tradition, but also a current urgency within the field of contemporary, visual arts. In the bachelor's programme, we pay a lot of attention to the technology of painting, but also to the development of your artistic personality and visual language. You choose this study path from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fien arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

visual arts
3 years

paintingfine artsprogramme

We regard drawing as an autonomous form of expression. Visual research and experimentation are central. You choose this study path from 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines disappears.

fine arts:

visual arts
bachelor + master
3+1 years

drawingfine artsprogramme

Performance gives new ways of looking at reality, at patterns that are obvious or hidden. A performative gesture, a gesture or a word can set something in motion. In this bachelor's programme, you investigate your relationship with your body, with others, materials, spaces, etc. You choose this programme from the 1st bachelor onwards. In the master of fine arts, the distinction between the disciplines falls away.

fine arts:

visual arts
3 years

performancefine artsprogramme

From its inception, photography has played a pivotal role in shaping our perception of the world. The photography programme at KASK & Conservatorium is grounded in a profound understanding of this influential role, thereby defining the very essence of the program.



Autonomous design is a research-oriented, transdisciplinary master's programme, offering a collective learning environment. We analyse, contest, research and propose alternatives; with fun and energy, independently and collectively, playfully and curiously, and in exciting interdependence with the social realities, needs and urgencies of a world in change.

autonomous design

visual arts
2+1 years*

autonomous designprogramme

The graphic design major in the bachelor's programme is built around three study paths, each with its own studio: illustration, printmaking and graphic design. Together, these three study paths represent all the practices that belong to graphic arts in the field. In the master of graphic design, the distinction between the paths disappears.

graphic design

visual arts
3+1 years

graphic designprogramme

After an exploratory first bachelor year of graphic design, in second and third bachelor you can choose the printmaking study path. Here you will approach graphic practices from the point of view of the visual arts. Three focuses allow you to explore the specific speaking of art and turn it into an individual artistic practice: what printing and reproduction techniques can mean for making art; the relationship of art to mass-media visual culture; publishing as an artistic strategy in making art and artists' books. In the master of graphic design, the distinction between the tracks falls away.

graphic design:

visual arts
bachelor + master
3+1 years

printmakinggraphic designprogramme

After an exploratory first bachelor's year of graphic design, you can opt for the illustration track in the second and third bachelor. You take a broad view of graphic visual narrativity and focus on developing techniques, research and working methods within the broad cluster of word, image and story. In the master of graphic design, the distinction between the pathways falls away.

graphic design:

visual arts
3+1 years

illustrationgraphic designprogramme

After an exploratory first bachelor year of graphic design, you can opt for the graphic design studio in second and third bachelor. This is based on five focuses: visual identity, publication, digital publication, experimental typography and data visualisation. Each time you transcend the classic dichotomy between print (publication, poster, flyer...) and digital (website, application...) you look for the relationship between both in our post-digital world. In the master of graphic design, the distinction between the trajectories falls away.

graphic design:
graphic design studio

visual arts
3+1 years

graphic design studiographic designprogramme

During your training in textile design, you will become acquainted with age-old crafts as well as contemporary industrial and digital processes. Expertise in weaving, knitting, embroidery, print design... is a breeding ground for innovation and each time places you in relation to your own artistic process.

textile design

visual arts
3+1 years

textile designprogramme

We very consciously approach fashion as a multifaceted artistic practice. The aim is not to train you to be a designer 'in service of' an existing system, but to challenge and invite you to develop your own and artistic practice, constantly exploring, questioning and pushing the boundaries of the medium.


visual arts
3+1 years


This advanced bachelor programme equips you with the necessary analytical and synthetic skills to independently and critically assess the landscape, enabling you to develop creative yet well-founded proposals for design, layout, and management.

landscape development

advanced bachelor
1 year

landscape developmentprogramme

Curatorial Studies is the only postgraduate degree for curators in Belgium. A unique partnership between KASK & Conservatorium, Ghent University and S.M.A.K. Ghent.

curatorial studies

1 year

curatorial studiesprogramme

As a contemporary music student, your primary focus lies on post-1950 music, with a particular emphasis on the 21st century. Your specialization revolves around the creation, performance, and conceptualization of contemporary music, often incorporating other disciplines like dance, media, and installation art. You have the opportunity to showcase your talents both as a soloist and as part of an ensemble.

contemporary music

advanced master
2 years

contemporary musicprogramme

Having successfully completed a master's degree in music but still not satisfied? The postgraduate in musical performance practice certainly holds this urge for excellence in high regard.

musical performance practice

1 year

musical performance practiceprogramme

You are brimming with dynamism and enthusiasm to take interested parties into a world of artistic development and creation? You want to be an important link in the further development of art education and the performing arts landscape in Flanders? Then the educational master's is definitely for you!

educational master in audiovisual and visual arts

initial 1 year
shortened 2 year

educational master in audiovisual and visual artsprogramme

You are brimming with dynamism and enthusiasm to take interested parties into a world of artistic development and creation? You want to be an important link in the further development of art education and the performing arts landscape in Flanders? Then the educational master's is definitely for you!

educational master in music and performing arts

inital 2 years
shortened 1 year

educational master in music and performing artsprogramme

KASK & Conservatorium offers English-language master programmes in the visual arts, audiovisual arts, drama and music.

english master

1 or 2 years

english masterprogramme